parallax background

Fluid & Rust Inhibitor

Die - Sinking EDM Fluids

Formulated on 7 viscosity grades containing special additives to facilitate the generation of the ionization channel. Compared to conventional dielectric fluid, this range of products offers the following benefits:
  • Choice of the most suitable viscosity grade
  • Very short distillation range
  • Very high chemical physical stability
  • Colorless
  • Odorless
  • Free from light aromatic hydrocarbons (< 0.0001% in vol.)
  • Lower electrode wear
  • Improved surface finish
  • Easy to filter
  • Prevents hard-to-disperse foam


Viscosity at 20°C (cst)

Flash Point (°C)

Distilllation Range (°C)






For high power rough grinding ra 4.0+9.0 pm

Micro-drilling EDM Fluid

WF Range - Totally hydrocarbon free specially developed for micro-drilling with water

  • High chemical-physical ability
  • High filterability
  • Odorless
  • High erosive performance
  • Excellent anti-corrosion properties




EDMfluid WF 100

Light Blue

Bio-stable anticorrosion additives based

EDMfluid WF 200


Polyglycol and highly efficient depressor based Endorsed by SODICK

Rust Remover K-200

Rust and sludge remover after Wire EDM (Wiping type)
Recommended by machinery manufacturer. Cleans sludge and rust
Rust removal from metal composed and parts generated by Wire-EDM, ing and other.
  • Wiping type
  • Strong rust removing power
  • No toxic gas
  • Rust removal solution which no water-washing is necessary
  • Safety
  • No stimulation

After applications, simply wiping with a dry cloth leaves the machine shining.

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